stolen works...
The following 4 works plus two other paintings for which the image has also been stolen from my files have been stolen from my home studio. Please help me find them. The police have been no help.
A Study of Mars & Jupiter from a Metaphysical Perspective
Artists's Book
27 pages of watercolor paintings, 1 page text summary
started 4/3/16 completed 11/9/16
Deconstructed Encaustics
Deconstructed Encaustic is the name Larissa has given to the unique process she has developed to create these works. These are not encaustic paintings.
Charcoal Nudes
All drawings are a reasonable likeness of the live model who graciously posed.
All original works are available for purchase. Inquire for pricing.
Fish Eye View of the CZU: Devil Fish watched
summer 2021
Over the months of Summer 2021 I spent time with my angel fish, Devil Fish. He is named such because he is an aggressive fish and can only bear to live with our sucker fish, Other Daryl. During the days of the CZU fire our sky was orange and ash rained upon our property. Devil Fish watched daily and was visibly agitated when I would approach his tank shaking his head in fear and frustration. Since the end of the CZU fire Devil Fish has become much more relaxed. This three tryptic oil painting is a portrait of Devil Fish and the passage of time he watched the CZU light our skies and threaten our home. The work is executed on laminated birch board panels primed with gesso. This work utilizes a limited pallet, excluding any true black pigments. Nearly all of the paints were mixed directly from pigment in a suspension of both boiled and raw linseed oil. The darkest value pigment used was Payne's Grey. It was used to apply the shadow of the overhead light fixture that cast across the surface and room in the evenings. The finished work is over 20 feet in length and 4 feet high. The work is still drying, but is available for purchase or exhibition.
Media & Composition Tests/Studies for
Legacy of Silk Route Traditions in My Garden
fall 2020
Black tempera in second image is made from charred bits that flew into my yard from the CZU fire. Other materials in these media studies include: 100% cotton paper, water color paint, water color dye, water color pencil, ink and utilize traditional illustration techniques.
The series these pieces are studies for Legacy of Silk Route Traditions in My Garden. The images from this finished series have been published in the 2021 KTPR Calendar and in note cards available for purchase on the market page.
DIATOMS & MICROBES (the big & small pictures) -
a metaphysical exploration
2020 lenten painting series by: Larissa Dahroug
materials &
composition tests slideshow:
Finished 2020 series slide show with captions:
materials & composition tests gallery:
Click on each image to see the entire piece. Images in the slide show are the same but include a caption with TITLE, date completed, and list of materials used. The materials and composition tests are studies for the final series.
Finished 2020 series gallery:
The following works on paper are the largest scale I have ever worked in watercolor.
This series was the first time I ever prepared my own fresh egg tempera. It was interesting to note how long it actually takes to prepare medium with raw pigments and fresh eggs. The following four works are created with the use of a specifically limited pigment pallet of: cadmium red, cadmium yellow medium, ultra marine, mars black, transparent earth red, and titanium dioxide. Special thanks to our Cluckers for their generous contribution to this season's work.