It's beden a few months since I have even thought about this blog. Amid the hysteria and politicing of the Pandemic I just haven't felt like sharing that much. Things on the Ranch have been steady. The apricot tree fruited for the first time in a decade since being freed of the over growth allowed to proliferate by the former property owners. The fruit was delicious and bountiful and we now have jars of apricot jam on the shelves and apricot fruit-rollups in the freezer. Currently the plums are in the process of being processed. The plum tree blessed us last year with an abundance of plums that became jam and fruit-rollups as well and I even stil have a jar of last season's jam on the shelf. This year the fruits were not quite as plentiful on the tree, but they are twice the size and way sweeter than last year's harvest. This year's jam is a brighter garnet color and sweeter in flavor but every bit as delcious as last year's batch.
Dealing with the fungus on the bay laurels has been a bit distressing, and insect damage and infestation to the oaks is more than frustrating.
No one has returned the paintings taht were stolen out of my studio, nor have the police indicated they have any leads or have even been working on it. Yet. Santa Cruz police recently picked up a couple people who had the audacity to drive over street graffitti. Yeah...that's where priorities lie in this community. Those who are paying the taxes to pay for all the entitlements receive no services when our homes and property are vadalized and/or burglarized but if you paint the words "Black Lives Matter" on the street and someone drives over it you go to jail. No. Nothing fucked up about that. (that's sarcasm) And to sweeten the deal the Vax Stazi is out in full force telling people they are "fucking idiots" and "whiny cunts" (yes, I was called these things by a former friend when I did not share his zeal for sharing my healthcare details with abject strangers) if you think for yourself on your healthcare needs.
I had COVID over a year ago. Yeah. It sucked. I could barely get a breath. I felt like shit. I stayed locked up in my house for two weeks and then did the same thing I did when I had the Swine Flu. I took care of myself. I washed my hands. I still wash my hands. I made soup and other nurishing foods. I drank plently of fluids. I took immune supporting supplements like Oil of Oregano, GSE, and Goldenseal. I made nettle tincture. All of these things helpd. I am one of the lucky ones who survived and recovered. But NONE of this is any of your fucking biusiness and I don't care if you had it, have been vaxed, or not. I also am not going to tell you your either should or shouldn't get vaxed. I will tell you to do what you think is right for you. Do what makes you feel safe. But I will not lie and tell you I trust ANYTHING the Government has to say about ANY of this. My question is, what are they hiding? What is it that governments of the World so desperately don't want anyone to know about that they are willing to politicize and demonize humanity stirring up such rampant and unchecked fear? Does it have something to do with all the strange UFO sightings recently? No joke there...I'm seriously wondering.
There have been some really interesting reports lately. Is it to distract from the Global floods? Huh. I guess all those solar panels did nothing to help Germany out after all. Better call France and order some extra nuclear energy for the next few months. But France might be a little slow to reply. They're dealing with the uprising of folks who are protesting vax mandates, and they aren't alone. I hear they're pretty pissed in Italy and a bunch of other Countries as well.
And then of course, there's Haiti, Cuba, and Tunisia. Tunisia is an even bigger deal than Haiti if you know anything about what's been going on with Tunisia for the past two decades. I guess the NGOs and the UN bullshit finally got too deep for people to walk through. But Cuba really takes the cake, doesn't it? Every time I see some LGBTQ kid (or any "woke" idiot) wearing a Che shirt I'm like, "You do know that Che would have slaughtered your ass, right?" or "You know how many LGBTQ folks the Commies in Cuba disappeared?" But I guess actually history and facts aren't as cool as stomping around in the streets having a tempertantrum because you didn't do well enough at anything to get a scholarship to college, or breaking into people's homes and stealing panties and paintings from people who have done nothing to you, or vandalizing gardens, or syphoing gas. Yeah, that's the cool shit. That's real "rebel" of you. It's making a difference in the World when you do that and then take a picture of yourself doing nothing other than being an ass and posting it on some crappy social media site to stroke your ego. Go you!
It's all disgusting. I have a few jobs here that need done that I'm willing to pay you to do...but they require you actually work, and no I'm not going to pay you more than minimum wage to do them just because you can wipe your own ass. Big fucking deal. Since when did wiping your own ass become an accomplishment? Yes...I'm being cautic and sarcastic. Just in case you didn't get it by now. ANYWAY...