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Bacchus vs. Yoni : death match


Disclaimer: This post may contain a combination of sarcasm, irony, humor, facts, truth, humility, compassion, Agape, and sentiment. If you don’t understand the intonation of a comment, please feel free to ask for clarification in the comments, but do not ever assume you know what I’m thinking, and I will extend the same courtesy to you as well, in the name of Freedom and for the sake of our shared humanity. My thoughts are from a place of Praxis and Conscience in accordance with my personal relationship with my Guru and Savior, Jesus Christ, as protected by my 1st Amendment Rights as a natural born American Citizen. I do not require you believe in or are in relationship to Christ in the same way as me. Right of Conscience extends beyond all borders and beliefs and is, as far as I can tell, an innate part of the human being, separate from skin color, language, religion, citizenship, creed, orientation, economic standing, education level, or otherwise compartmentalizing arbitrary label. In short, if you don’t like what you are reading, simply look away. No one is forcing you to be here.


OK. Now that’s out of the way…


When I was a little girl my family moved around a lot. After finally graduating from college in Pittsburgh, PA my father got a job in the greater Philadelphia area and we made our first family move across Penn’s Woods. To talk to my Grandparents and extended family at the time, you would have thought the World were ending, or someone had the COVID monster, or some such heinous event. Oh well. The move was just the first in what would be a series of moves for the sake of my father’s employment. Over the years I attended public, Catholic, and non-secular private educational institutions. I’m familiar with both wearing and not wearing a uniform. I’m familiar with rich folks and poor folks and folks in-between. I’m familiar with Americans and non-Americans, native English speakers, non-native English speakers as well as non-English speakers. Finally, as a Catholic I am VERY familiar with the workings and politics of the Catholic Organization. I’ve never had a lot of friends and I have spent much of my personal time reading, writing and making beautiful things, sprung from my own curiosity and motivations.


While living in Oakland, California I became particularly familiar with the Jesuit Organization. At first I took their demeanor to be centered in academic exploration and celebration. My take away is that the organization is deeply anti-woman, manipulative, controlling and cruel. While having tea with Deacon David Young of The Cathedral of Christ the Light, he informed me that they would not tolerate “witchcraft based” Art and that the only thing they cared about was overturning a woman’s right to choose. I am Pro-Choice and a certified Reiki Teacher, a practice Catholic Bishops have said is “a man’s work”, to the point that entire convents of Catholic Sisters have been abused for practicing. My Art is heavily influenced by my Reiki background. As such, and in addition to other factors, I became a target of oppression. Orthodox Christian philosophy contends all creativity is a gift from the one God. But Catholic Organizational perspective is a bit more nuanced and manipulative. The bigger issue is that a majority of Catholic Priests hate women and want to control them. This hatred is old and stems from the ancient Priestly move away from Bacchic traditions. Not, that I am suggesting a return to Bacchic centered Faiths or practices. Let me be clear about that!


Bacchic tradition and celebration was, in short, a celebration of the phallus, as can be seen reflected in ancient reverence for the obelisk and it’s central placement in imagery and construction. It is still referenced in architecture and economic structure (think skyscrapers, the Washington Monument, Pyramid schemes, etc…) These traditions were replaced by yoni centered worship. Taken on face value this sounds like a women’s liberation. Instead of worshiping the penis as the center of life, worship the womb! However, the truth is that both stances are, in fact, imbalanced and oppressive allowing for easy demonization and marginalization of groups and/or individuals who become inconvenient for those in power. This is in part why the Gospel of Thomas has been kept at such a distance from mainstream debate and even open scholarly exploration. It remains something to be read in a closet by candle light by those seeking to understand themselves and the nature of Spirit.


The Gospel of Thomas, a Gnostic text, accounts for Christ recognizing BOTH the Divine masculine and feminine aspects of the Spirit; a very confusing and inconvenient expression in a World that was even more illiterate then, than it is now. It could be argued that illiteracy is, in fact, even more of a problem today, not because more people can not read or write, but because the information that is available to read is so greatly censored and the ability or write, or more accurately, distribute what one writes, is so heavily regulated and controlled. This is in large part the argument against the move to digitalize all forms of written expression for distribution. Frequently this argument is presented as a cry to “Save the trees!”, but paper has been made of many things other than trees for a very long time and hemp and papyrus, under the right conditions, can last for centuries. My position is it is necessary for the preservation of history, the protection of Freedom of Expression, AND the protection FROM misinformation, that the tradition of printed media be preserved and censorship to end. It is not safe to allow written expression to be left solely to the care, moderation, conservation and curation of digital technologists, religious institutions, and/or governments.


This lack of understanding or knowledge of the evolution of Spirituality, Mysticism and it’s application to main stream doctrine and practice is what I believe is behind the push to further oppress women through anti-choice policy and rhetoric. Just as the push towards digitalizing all media is peddled as “Save the trees”, the push to subjugate or outright murder women is peddled as “Save the babies”. Anti-choice policy and rhetoric are a thinly veiled pull at heart strings to encourage keeping women as domestic servants or livestock for the gratification of men. What yoni worship is in reality, is no different from phallus worship - an excuse to enslave that which you envy. Freud had it all backwards when he was talking about penis (phallus) envy. Women didn’t want to have a penis. Men wanted to have a womb, and therefore be free of need for a mother, sister or wife. But maybe I’m just “hysterical”. Quick, someone get me an orgasm machine to calm me down. (Remember, I warned you in the disclaimer.)


In Spiritual circles, womb worship took/takes form in forced celibacy, non-gendered garments, strict gender role enforcement (ie denying women the right to perform Sacramental celebration) and denial of the human need for sexual expression. This is where the jokes about priests wearing dresses and carrying flaming purses comes from. Also, it became extreme in that a person with a womb was/is not seen as anything beyond that womb with all sides desiring to dictate how and when that womb is utilized or accessed. Mixed in with this is the belief that a womb and the external features of a woman’s genitals are a source of magic, or supernatural power. Female genital mutilation stems from a belief that the only clean part of a woman is the womb itself, particularly if it is used to carry a fetus to full term, and, as such, any pleasure derived from an orgasm is corrupt, dirty and contaminating to all humanity. So, young girls are subjected to painful, disfiguring and often fatal removal of the labias, clitoris, and clitoral hood. At times even the vaginal opening is sewn to be smaller. All this is to “discourage” a girl or woman from deriving pleasure from sexual encounter or exerting “magical control” over others as a result of experiencing orgasm in order to maintain the cleanliness/honor of her womb. All the while, a man, whether or not his foreskin has been removed, is able to reach orgasm and remain clean. None of it is based on science or fact. It is about control and power.


Whether you are talking about phallus or yoni worship you are talking about the alteration/mutilation of human genitals without consent. Under Bacchus tradition hundreds of young boys were made to be eunuch, removing either the testicles or both the testicles and penis. Boys who had their penis removed would then be given a straw like apparatus to insert into their urethra to urinate discretely. Frequently this straw was made of silver. I can only imagine the rate of UTI. This is where jokes about a man squatting to pee come from. These “eunuchs” were used as personal security for wealthy persons. They were kept as slaves in the harems of the Caliphate, among other places throughout history. They were frequently boy children from villages taken in war or were boys who were deemed “too effeminate” by cultural standards who were unwilling to conform to gender role norms. This is a very different situation than adults choosing to modify their bodies in the present day and is why I do not support children being given “medical treatments” to alter gender. It is an adult choice that should be made in an informed manner with consent. I don’t believe in child Heads of State either, so long as we are on the topic.


So what’s my point? Actually, I have quite a few. Thank you so much for asking!


Well, there’s a lot of bullshit out there these days. Censorship and lack of Freedom are rampant. And I believe that lack of Freedom stems from beliefs of ethnic supremacy, cultural illiteracy, and Religious oppression ON ALL SIDES.

Pregnancy termination is an essential part of women’s healthcare.

Body modification is something that should only be done by adults to other adults. Yes, all you vain folks, I think this includes nose jobs and boob jobs. The only reasonable exception, in my mind, is reconstructive surgery after disease or other traumatic injury such as violence or accident.

No company should have the right to censor the expression of any person or entity. It is the responsibility and RIGHT of the viewer/consumer to decide what they think and feel about the expression of another.

Parents are the ones who are responsible for the education and raising of their children, not schools, teachers, celebrities, religious leaders, governments, etc… All those other persons may assist in some way, but it’s not their responsibility. It’s yours. You made the little human, you take care of it. If you don’t want to do that, don’t have them to begin with and don’t expect me or anyone else to pay for them.

Welfare is abuse.

The printed word is more reliable than the digital word.

Policing needs reformed, not defunded or dismantled, at ALL LEVELS in the United States.

Skin color is an arbitrary and obsolete excuse for justifying oppression or opportunity. There is only one race, Human and breaking humans into groups based on color is colorist, no matter what color your skin is. As an artist I find the practice of colorism ridiculous. Right now I’m working on a painting and I have excluded all black pigments from my pallet. Is it now justifiable to call me a bigot? I think not. It is making painting a challenge.










Communism, Socialism and Fascism are not a good idea or healthy for anyone.

Dress codes are oppressive.

Masks do as much harm as good.

People are greedy disgusting animals.

It is abhorrent for adults to have sexual relations with children or to intentionally put children in sexual situations.

Sex is not dirty. Sexual action without consent is dirty.

Oligarchs are no better than Monarchs and I’m not interested in either of those forms of government.

I don’t trust anyone anymore, and that makes me sad because I believe it is a very justifiable position to have these days.









Finally, “Enjoy” the following Links:

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