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Critical Thought -- In Praxis: a First Amendment protected account


When I was a little girl there was a thing parents did called "Chicken Pox Parties". It was a funny kind of thing. Basically, parents wanted thier kids to get chicken pox when they were small because the disease is less harmful when contracted between the ages of something like 5 to 10 years of age. So, they would plan some big playdate with an infected kid or two hoping to get their kids infected. After that young age the pox are more prone to scaring and in older adults the disease can manifest internally even in the brain and be leathal. Some folks are born naturally immune to the disease. My mathernal Grandfather was one such person. He lived to a ripe old age in his 90's without getting chicken pox. My Great Uncle Andrew Urich was not immune. He contracted the disease as a Senior and if my memory serves me well, it is what he died of. My mother never participated in a chicken pox party for us. Both my sisters got it quite young and we thought I was possibly immune, like my Grandfather. In third grade computer class I shared a chair (literally one cheek each on the seat), and a Texas Instruments desk top with a little girl who was sent home later that day after developing the disease. The day of outbreak is the most contageous day for chicken pox. I didn't get it, even though we were sharing a keyboard and I was a nail biter. Imagine that! I ended up getting it when I was in 7th grade and worried my face was going to be scarred forever. It wasn't. This is just a personal anecdote, like sharing that I had COVID over a year ago. It's a needless share of my personal health history with the World.

ANYWAY... let's chat a bit about the "News" and the stuff that's been in my YouTube and Google News feeds the past couple days. Shall we?

No shit. That's how most viruses work. And OMG! A medical person without a penis who isn't a moron. Yeah, they exist. AMAZING! Get National Geographic in there to document this creature in her natural habitat and confirm the lack of penis.

OMG. Did they have their COVID vaccine? Were they wearing a mask? But seriously...this a big deal. Aggressive fungi are an indicator in forests of great environemntal and health imballance, frequently caused by contamination from misuse and abuse of the Earth. Better stock up on tea tree oil and rosemary oil while you can. I'd suggest you make some Bay Laurel tea, but many of the Bay Laurels on my property have fungus.

Yeah. I know. I've known that for a long ass time. They let a Hindu woman who needed a life saving pregnancy termination because of an ectopic pregnancy die because sexist "Pro-slavers" think a fetus has more rights than an actual woman. I've been saying this for years: MY BODY MY CHOICE. Still relevant.

Here's that brown complected doctor from the other day (with a penis I assume but maybe he's Trans or identifies as a Sasquach, who knows). But be warned...if he is of Indian or Arab ethnic heritage he is still part of the caucasian diaspora, so ya know...he might just be a racist in brown skin trying to kill your children. Plus, he does have an English accent.

Guy with Light Colored Skin Explains CDC Data

OK. Facts and numbers. Does his complexion and probability of penis make it easier to understand the words coming out of his mouth?

Mr. Stossle's On A High Horse

Yeah. Bottom line...just grow for yourself. Make your own products for personal use...particularly if you are one of the folks who use medicinally. The recreation regulations are bullshit and have been from the beginning and Cartels don't give a shit about your health.

Oh, Here's that Brown Skin Doctor with a Penis Again Talking About Your Kids

Um. Yeah. Seriously. And there are other places talking about this too.  

Then There's Old Mr. Ed

You know what they say: A horse is a horse of course of course and no one can talk to a horse of course. That is of course because the horse is the famous Ed Snowden!

Then there's THIS...and I, for one, get a nasty rash from personal lubricants. It's very unpleasant. Why would I want to put something like that in my body if I know I have that issue?

OK, Now here's a brown complected doctor without a penis (maybe, maybe not -- show me your pussy! Just kidding. I don't want to see your pussy.) Does the color of her skin make it easier to understand the words coming out of her mouth? Did they check the shape of her skull in order to admit her to medical school? How about her Jesuit research funding? Would she allow a woman to die of an ectopic pregnancy? Probably. Oh, AND Natural Immunity is real.


All this, even while:






So, basically the vaccines are a joke and the government is using the word "protection" in place of the word "control". Yeah. I know how that shit works. And as if that isn't annoying enough, there continues to be propagation of the politicization of terms such as "Conservative" and "Liberal". Seriously, can anyone tell me what this article is talking about? I don't even know what these two words mean anymore and this article is really insulting given the experience I have had as a Gen-Xer in relation to EVERYONE ELSE. I don't fit in with either group, Conservative OR Liberal. I'm not willing to quietly give up any of my rights and NONE of the snot nosed brats I've seen yapping their traps as pundits or "elected officials" speak for me any more than any of the "Boomers". The generation I have had the most in common with is nearly all dead. Oh, and hey, Ms. McCain, I feel for you. You are right. The Trump family should just leave you and your family the fuck alone. No one owes anyone interaction unless compelled by court order. I learned that from my family. Pretty much all the ones who actually took the time to get to know me as a complete human being are dead now and I only get to see them in the rare dream now and then. But, as AnnieMumMum would have said, "Anywho..."

THIS amused me.

Because a woman's breasts are still so scandalous and worthy of scorn unless they are in a baby's mouth or are sculpted and/or adorned the way some co-dependent neb-shit with self image problems says they should be sculpted and/or otherwise adorned. I think I want to start going nude except for a bag over my head. Will everyone feel safer then? Seriously. Fuck off.

Then, of course, there is THIS shit show.

This is what I would do were I in charge: First, I would ask each Governor to convene a panel of representatives from each County to assess, based on public IN PERSON town meetings and comprehensive Census-style surveys of each property owner

Back to things that caught my eye:


Hmmm...think perhaps this has somehting to do with the strange things the agricultural community is seeing such as crop sabatoge and blight? Cartels don't give a shit about anyone or anything other than their own fucking pockets. That's why my Great Grandparents lost their farm. They didn't want to do business with gangsters, whether private, corporate, or governement. I have a question for all the Spanish Speaking Cartels out there: when was the last time you had a successful chili pepper harvest? Hmm? You think maybe, just maybe, China had somehting to do with it? A good portion of the chilis I see in the stores these days are "Product of China". Enjoy your tamale fried rice. Your greed and violence fucks everyone over, including you.

As a Gen-Xer, I've been comparing The COVID Monster to the HIV/AIDS pandemic of my youth since day 1. Between the OSHA scandal I mentioned earlier in this post and the expression of human nature in the article linked just above, we all need to own up to the fact that NO ONE KNOWS THE ENTIRE TRUTH. We need to make choices for ourselves and stop trying to control everyone and everything around us. If it's not COVID it's just going to be something else. Just how many needles are you going to let the government stab you and your families with? Maybe we should just start letting the President have sex with everyone. Start scheduling at your local Walgreens today! Fuck the President an get an Honorary Harvard Degree!

Then there's

whiny jackass.

So, you followed all the rules so you could go to a party and got the COVID Monster anyway. Shut the fuck up with your lockdown bullshit and stay home if you're scared, but stop being a codependant and trying to control what everyone else puts in their bodies. I bet there are online meetings for your addiciton codependancy issues somewhere.


Keep these things in mind:

Here's that brown skinned doctor who probably has a penis again. Here's an ethnically ambiguous doctor who also probably has a penis. And then, there's this very smart person, who may or may not have a penis OR a uterus and/or ovaries and/or bewbs, talking about some seriously fucked up commerce. In closing, I leave you with some bits of "entertainment". "Enjoy" these links as well:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Link 6

Link 7

  Link 8


As I always am,


PS. All explatives and expressions based on First ammendment rights aside and in mind -- May God bless you and keep you. All praise be to Jesus Christ. He and He alone is King. Amen.


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