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Crony-fornia on Fire


OK...I'm going to talk about some stuff now...and I'm going to use a format that I have used in the past on this blog. It's kind of like a news review, but instead of mere ironic attention whore comments like the golden pundits of the mainstream media or the un-checked "facts" used by aspiring toddlers in the independent genre use, I'll pull no punches from an informed and experienced perspective. Colbert, Oliver, Bee, Noah, or any of the rest of them have never worked for US Municipal government. Some don't even have the experience of having been raised in the American System. So why does anyone give a shit about what comes out of their mouths. At the end of the day, all any of them care about are ratings and money and being able to get their narcissistic attention fix. None of them give a shit about anything else. are the headlines that caught my eye this morning:

The Real Reason Oakland's Police Chief Was Fired (yes this is an old one...but plays into current events very well.)

This problem was deep seated and well known about in Oakland long before it blew up in the news. I was harassed by the girl, and her pimp, and the cops from the district where these crimes largely were based from. I lived in the neighborhood. The young woman who was passed around is a member of the Rom community as is her mother who was the dispatch officer. At the time I was enrolled in the "Citizens Police Academy" in Oakland and learned a lot about the back end of law enforcement in the East Bay. Part of the training was to be a crisis contact, or as some call it, a crisis actor. These are people used to make public statment to media. I was kicked out because I refused to lie/not follow a script. ANYWAY...These connections have long standing ties that include threads throughout the Catholic Diocese. After the riots of the 60's the Federal government made back room agreements with all the then leaders of crime families/organizations in the Bay. This backroom agreement is the base of all "Community Policing" efforts and intiatives. All the ethnic groups/crime families/organizations were given the charge of "taking care of their own" so to speak, and as long as they did so in a way that was "helpful" to law enforcement that law enforcement would "look the other way" on internal disputes. I was told about this by a number of people I met while living in Oakland who were in positions to know such things (to put things politely). This is in part why things are breaking down so badly in California right now. In communities, power has shifted in some cases and in others it's just a matter of the older generation dying and younger folks not understanding how things worked and/or other groups now having residence in larger populations. It's a power struggle because no one is really "in charge" anymore. It's become a free-for-all.

There are significant organized crime connections in the Cursillo movement as well. When the Anglican Church came back under the jurisdiction of the Pope (So does England REALLY have a Royal Family anymore if they are back under the Pope who is technically a King?) both the Anglican and Catholic Cursillo Movements merged. Both have ties to BLM as well. A large portion of untraceable cash financial support (through weekly basket donation) comes from those steeped deeply in organized crime and because of this financial support, the Catholic heirarchy uses these connections to apply manipulation and oppression tactics to those within their own group who do not tow the line of anti-indigenous cuture, woman hating, and otherwise anti-choice rhetoric. Even as they manipulate in this way they "have thier finger in the other side's pot" so to speak without the mass of "other side" knowing or understanding that they are being coerced. The same groups that claim to care about inequality of all stripes is in fact funded by Catholic Charities and as such the Vatican is able to keep close tabs on the doings of all groups that oppose their anti-woman, anti-human-rights agenda all while groups continue to tout equality for all.

Libby Scaaf lacks integrity or compassion or care for any actual human rights. She was elected because of support by the Teamsters who also back many Diocesan events by providing security and waste management. She will do and say anything to stamp out anyone who might pose actual competition to her position. She is a puppet easily manipulated not because she asctually knows about or cares about the issues that face the residents she supposedly represents, but because she enjoys being the one "in control", or at least the appearance of power and control. I've met her on a number of occassions and don't trust her any farther than I could throw her. She's an attention whore lacking substance. Has she actually done anything to change the rape culture of the City she was elected to represent? So what? A handfull of cops got their hands slapped. As far as I've heard, International BLVD is still the North American capitol of child sex trafficking. And the Catholic Bishops back those efforts because they have zero concern for the lives and wellbeing of women and children. All they care about is reforming legislation so they can re-enslave women into being baby factories to make ignorant little soldiers for the priests to sexually abuse or otherwise exploit. I have first hand experience and knowledge. Libby and her administration made sure I was huiliated and my business and reputation destroyed so that I wouldn't be competition to her position. She's disgusting and without any integrity. That's how the Jesuits do things. Just ask Gavin what it's like having a Jesuit hand up his ass. I wonder if Jerry wore gloves and a mask. HA! To Gavin's credit, I think he's starting to see the light, even if it has come from the threat of a re-call. Don't worry Gav, I think everyone who is crying re-call is an asshole too. Since move to California 20 years ago and becoming a Californian I have no problem calling out the majority of Californian voters as uneducated, greedy, fickle opportunists.   

China Warns It Will Take Americans Hostage If Charges Aren't Dropped

Marxists don't believe in private property and they believe in whatever force is necessary. Marxism and human-rights are mutually exclusive. BLM is Marxist. Maybe the US government could make a deal to trade BLM and Antifa idiots for the reserach scientists under threat living and working in China. 


Decades of Mismanagement Led To Choked Forests 

This story brings me back to the laregely un/undereducated, greedy, fickle, opportunist Californian residents and voters. On Friday, October 16, 2020 around 4:30PM I had the opportunity to speak with Jonathan Cox, Deputy Fire Cheif of San Mateo County. I was trying to figure out the best way to offer support for the fire crisises facing my State and immediate community and I had questions. There are a number of volunteer organizations that have popped up and other fast fundraising efforts, but I'm skeptical when it comes to handing over money because I know how inefficient the majority or organizations are in California from first hand experience, and the amount of cronyism that goes into everything here. California would be well re-named as Crony-fornia...and Crony-fornia just loves to suck on the tit of Catholic Charities, in case you didn't know. Anyway...I had a lot of questions for Deputy Chief Cox about how funding and finance is allocated and distributed. He was able to tell me more about the three ways/organizations to donate money to who are supposedly supporting fire-related issues, but he could not tell me how money was allocated in the budget for programs. Given my experience working for Municipal Government in California, I can make a very educated guess. A committe is probably appointed from hand-picked "community leaders" who support the elected officials currently in office. These people are then put in a room and given a timeline to decide how money should be spent. The "findings" of these unelected persons are then handed over to the budget committee who works it in to the 5, 10 and 20 year plan and allocates funds to different departments paycodes. These funds may go towards paying salaries but might not necessarily actually translate into things like updated equipment or environmental studies by outside, non-party affiliated parties. Frequently, individuals who call out such discrepancies in the process end up out of work. Example: The City of Sunnyvale was forced to split the Arts Program Co-ordinator position into two positions: Visual Arts Co-ordinator and Performing Arts Co-ordinator. It was said at the time this was because the work load was so heavy. However, this was not really the case. The woman who held the original position, Kristin Dance (Hartman), was unable to cover all her job responsibilities because she only actually worked two days a week. I know this because I was her assistant and the assistant she had before me quit because of the laziness of Ms. Dance (Hartman). She told me that when she trained me to be the new assistant. When Ms. Dance (Hartman) went out on maternity leave I had no problem covering her job responsibilities. She should have been fired, but they made accomodations for her becasue she was friends with the right people and had tenure. I was let go because I was unwilling to cover for the lazy Ms. Dance (Hartman). I was told by the Director, Diane Moglen, that I was "just going to want to have a baby anyway."  That was about 15 years ago. I don't believe anything has changed or is different in any other California City or program or department. People who like the feeling or illusion of having "power" drive a crony system to maintain poor leadership and lack of accountability and work to destroy anyone who opposes them regardless of whether its in the best interest of the greater good. Greedy ignorant Californians have been fighting attepts to thin forests and effect real positive change that could have helped to prevent the crisis we now face and those people and systems need to change. It is unsustainable and a waste of community resource to be forced to depend on fundraisers and volunteer organizations to provide needed equipment, education, and services. No. I don't think I will be donating any money anytime soon. Taxes are already high and poorly managed in this State. I think I'll keep my money and take care of my own forest home...if I can find people charging reasonable rates, otherwise I'll just wait to burn down like the rest because in Crony-fornia, no one wants to actually fix anything and misery loves company, evidently. Truth be told, I feel bad for Deputy Chief Cox. His job is hard. 

Canada Government Invests In Mini Nuclear Reactors

Hey California Socialist solar-idiots! Canada has socialized medicine AND they are looking at nuclear energy. You know that Thorium is a much different and more stable option to old-school reactors? Or are you more interested in some dead second-hand Korean panels? Or do you want to try to buy some energy from Canada? Because solar is digging a bigger hole in California pockets than you care to educate yourself about. 


Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns Asteroid Could Hit Earth Before Election Day

We should be so lucky.

Archbishop Performs Exorcisim to Cleanse Protest Site

This guy is a piece of work. So...only a certain number of priests are sanctioned by the Vatican to perform the rite of exorcisim. Cordelione is one? The priests sanctioned to perform exorcisms are supposed to be protected from general public so as not to attract distraction or attack. A place can be blessed and prayed over, but exorcised? I'm not sure this is anything more than a publicity stunt. Besides, didn't the Cardinal that was the finance-guy for the department that oversees cannonization recently get fired for being corrupt? I'd like to know what was the criteria used to cannonize Serra because I suspect all of the Saints cannonized over the past ten years should be scrutinized. Perhaps Serra himself toppled the statue becasue his spirit is restless at being given a title undeserving. What were the three miracles attributed to Serra? Who was on the review panel and how were the miracles substatiated? I'm curious about the Sri Lankan guy too. It blows my mind how men who claim to not have sex care so much about what a woman does with her own womb. At least he wore a mask so no one had to look at his creepy creeper smile. Seriously...have you ever seen this guy give a Homily? He's grosser than gross. I wonder if he misses being Bishop of Oakland. I wonder if M. Barber or Libby are on his Christmas Card list.


What Will Korea Do With It's Dead Solar Panels

HA! That's what I'm talking about! I suppose folks can give all the trash to Elon Musk to take into space. That should win us some kudo points with all the intellectually superior aliens that must surely be out there. I can not believe that humans are the most intelligent life forms that exist. I simply can not accept that as truth.

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