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Desperately Seeking Employees: This was never my playground


Fear mongering seems to be the newest American past time. The media and US government officials have everyone so afraid to even be in the same room with each other that no one is able to really discern the truth of anything. The move to holding public and private meetings using the Zoom platform isn’t just a threat to freedom. It is an out right assault. Power hungry or outright illiterate meeting moderators are able to silence anyone who they do not wish to have a say simply by muting them. The rampant rabid army of fascist “speech police” (in particular those among the Millennial Generation who have been made into coddled snowflakes) are so sensitive to any type of “tone” that is not akin to ego stroking or submissive platitude that no one with an actual thought for themselves is permitted to be present. There is no one I have met, particularly in the past five years, who is qualified to “speak for me” or make my “voice heard”. I don’t need your help with that. You don’t have my interests at heart and you don’t know me. AT ALL. I do not owe thieves, liars, or cheats a pleasant attitude or to be polite. I do not owe a person who has slandered me, harmed me or stolen from me niceness. I am not yelling at you. This is just my voice. If you don’t like my voice that is your problem. Get over it. This is how God made me. I was born this way and I don’t need you to speak for me.


In all of the community volunteer work I have done in my past, which is quite a sizable amount, I never once claimed to speak for anyone other than myself. I still never assume to speak for others. Do I act solely out of self interest? Yes and no. To act on behalf of another without a court appointment or having been elected or otherwise requested to do so is a co-dependent way to exist. Does this mean a person should not speak up when they see someone being harmed? No. It is perfectly reasonable and even admirable to say, “Hey. I see what you are doing and it isn’t right. Stop it.” It’s also admirable to step in if someone is committing a senseless and unprovoked act of violence, keeping in mind, self defense is NOT a senseless act of violence. The law provides for self defense.


The United States has been suffering from co-dependency issues for quite some time now. However, it is unfair to place the blame for the issue solely upon the US. After all, how many Countries around the Globe have cried for US military assistance over the years, or willingly entered into economic relationship, then turned around and smeared the US for our support? Plenty. But things have gotten out of hand. At the point of WWII the US as a Nation was like a young strong talented teen everyone either wanted on their team or wanted to defeat. Now, as the US enters National “adulthood” everyone is mad because the teen who was held up as Champion is too old to be young and pretty anymore. Like a woman in her 40’s in Hollywood, the US is not longer “fuckable”, and she’s mad. Not because of growing up, but because European countries got to be considered “mature” or “classic” while the US is being called “a Karen”. BTW, I’m so sick of that term. It’s an entitled and arrogant thing to say to someone. It implies that a group of people are allowed to attack and destroy someone for standing up for themselves. Even young women and girls are doing this to other women. It’s disgusting and I hold all American parents accountable for this bullshit and proliferation of overly sensitive self-entitled children and young adults. But in reality, how can I expect children and young adults to know better when the examples set by even our elected officials are so bizarrely anti-American?


Our Vice President seemed to think her title alone was going to be enough to garner respect from other Nations, and our President is regularly showing difficulties both understanding and communicating simple sentences or make choices in the interest of American citizens, in particular those who have volunteered to risk their lives serving in the Military. Threats of “never forgiving or forgetting” Taliban violence is hollow considering the US recently provided the Taliban with a brand new arsenal of weaponry while at the same time fighting to keep guns out of the hands of law abiding American citizens who are currently at the mercy of an out of control crime wave in THIS Country. And THEN, the old fool provided the Taliban with a list of names of all the Americans and American allies in Afghanistan. I agree, it wasn’t right for that war to have been waged to begin with or all those people to go over there unwanted — but does that mean I think they should be handed to the enemy for slaughter? By their/our own government? Hell no. How many US Marines died the other day? Too many. One is too many. The acts of the President and the Vice President in this case are tantamount to murder for hire. Are the US President and Vice President allowed to commit murder? Are the deaths of these Americans and the most certain future deaths of Americans left stuck in Afghanistan not an act of betrayal if not treason? And then I’m being asked to trust the same people who have so blatantly and publicly betrayed American citizens abroad, about my personal health care decisions. I’m being asked to trust a pharmaceutical company, that has been convicted of and paid the largest fine in history for criminally marketing drugs, with a vaccine that has not had clinical trials as defined by the Federal government itself. The government can’t even follow its own rules. And all of this is because some people aren’t as healthy or otherwise have as robust an immune system as other people. If you are immune-compromised make your own choice about whether it is safe for you to go out and be around others. Why is it the job of healthy persons to protect you? Why are we trying to control each other’s health care choices? FDA standards for clinical trials is a minimum of two years BEFORE release to the general population. And the FDA has, in fact, issued official warnings about the vaccines. And there are people who actually have legitimate reason to not take the vaccine. But State governments want to mandate it? Companies are going to mandate it? Then States are going to deny unemployment benefits? How is this not discrimination? How is this not unConstitutional? Do we not have a right to refuse medical treatment? Isn’t that what the 14th amendment is about? Is the Supreme Court really going to, today in 2021, base health care decisions solely on a decision made in 1905 — which by the way was a fine, not a destruction of life and livelihood. Certainly this is abhorrent to others besides myself. I can not believe I am the ONLY one who thinks or feels this way.


In the mean time, I have work available here at The Kitty Pants Ranch. This is how I feel: if you don’t feel well, stay home, but you only get paid for time actually worked. Keep your hands to yourself and we will do the same. If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. If you want to wear gloves wear gloves. If you want to wear boots wear boots. I will suggest what is appropriate but I will not make those choices for you. If you get hurt, that’s on you. I’m not going to ask you about your health care choices. They are not my business. Nor are mine any of yours. I’m also not going to pay your taxes for you. That is also your business. Trust me. We pay ours. The work here is very part time and on a contract basis. When you work here on a contract basis you sign a waiver acknowledging that you are responsible for making your own safety choices. In most cases we will proved a meal. You don’t have to eat it. We will provide a clean bathroom. You are in charge of washing your own hands. Life is dangerous and we all need to be responsible for ourselves. If we can’t be responsible for ourselves, how can we even begin to be responsible for the lives of strangers? Look at all those US Marines and others who just died in Afghanistan relying on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to act in the interest of their safety. This administration doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s health or safety. They ONLY care about controlling others and lining the pockets of themselves and their friends. That is the definition of co-dependency, and in the case of what happened at that airport, in my opinion, it is murder. I believe we can do this if each and everyone of us takes a step back and decides to focus on making choices for themselves. This planet is not a playground. It’s the only place we have to live.

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