For nearly a decade I have included painting as a significant part of my Lenten Practice. All year I "train" through painting and other Art-based exercises preparing for a contemplative series over the 40 day season. In the weeks leading up to Lent I confirm my subject and object matter and decide upon the medium(s) and media(s) to be used. Below this article is a shot of the four pieces from last year's (2019) Lenten Series: Carpathian Shadows.
Most years my practice has also included some form of writing as well, usually in the form of journaling, reflection on specific reading material, or blogging. Last year I approached the writing portion of my practice in a way I had not done before. I wrote a book. Yes, I have written books before...just not as a specific part of my Lenten practice. It was very different than the other books I have written. Last year's book was a novella and a work of fiction. The piece, Passion's Torrent, is a layered treatise about what it means to be a Christian and man in contemporary society, fidelity, and forgiveness. It is written in chronologically over lapping vignettes. I asked a friend of mine to assist with editing and write a forward, but even after agreeing to help he never came through. Ultimately I only ever sent him the first chapter and as far as I know he still has yet to read it.
Once I completed the book I emailed a copy to my mother and father for feedback. My father never mentioned the book to me again after I sent it and my mother thought the book was a joke, but my mother thinks everything about me and my life is a joke. Needless to say I will never ask for her input again. Her distain for the Arts in general is sad to me. ANYWAY... some how, the book was distributed, though I asked those I shared it with to not share it with others without my permission. Whether my mother leaked the book or my email was hacked (it's happened before), elements of the book started to show up in other TV media. I'm sick of that bullshit happening. Eventually I sent a copy of the manuscript to Randomhouse, but have heard nothing. I didn't really expect to. In the past I have self-published using Createspace, but have come to understand that platform is nothing more than a content mill for "thieves in the industry": ie. pretty much everyone in the industry. So, I was not interested in trusting Amazon with my Intellectual Property again. So...if I write another work of fiction as part of my Lenten Practice again this year, I will most likely publish it in real time as I complete each chapter here on my blog. That way I will have a real time public footprint to fall back on for legal reasons.
I'm looking forward to this year's practice. I'm excited about my subject and object matter as well as the media and medium. In the time remaining before this Ash Wednesday (Feb. 28th), I have a few more tests to do and materials to pick up. So far I have completed two materials and composition tests. I've already started my chosen reading material(s). This year I am reading the Nag Hammadi Scriptures. If I get enough registrations by the deadline (March 1st) I will also be teaching a class, Reiki & Movement, throughout Lent. AND I just might write another book. I have an idea that's been rolling around my mellon for a couple months now.
The theft of my Intellectual Property over the years has been upsetting and disappointing, but the theft and/or damage of works I completed during my Lenten Practice has been the most offensive. Knowing the industry stoops so low as to exploit the Spiritual life of people is, to me, a more egregious rape than any physical assaults I have experienced. After all, Christ only endured the Crucifixion once.
If you are interested in reading Passion's Torrent you can download a pdf here.