For nearly the past 15 years I have been dealing with a stalking situation. It has gotten ridiculous and dangerous. The bottom line is if I ever actually catch the person or persons that are now periodically breaking into my home (while they are actually on my property) I will kill them. This past Friday someone hacked our security cameras on one corner of the house (not all the cameras just the two that would have caught them entering the house) and shut them off just long enough to enter and exit the house. What did they take this time? It's gross. They took three pair of black cotton thong panties from my underwear drawer AND one of our pet shrimp. A significant amount of water was missing from the tank, a ball jar with screw top lid was taken, and the tiny animal was gone. If they have taken anything else I haven't yet discovered it. This is not the first time we have had the animals in our home harmed during one of these home invasions. It's disgusting and creepy and whomever is behind this is a very sick individual or group of individuals. They have also damaged plant life on our property, damaged Art and artifact and tools in my home, stolen Art, food, and tools, and I suspect have spiked open bottles of wine and liquor. There have been a couple instances where I have become violently ill after only a single drink. I've also had problems with someone hacking into my online accounts and changing my passwords, deleting emails, and stealing intelectual property. There have been numberous instances where I have had gas syphoned from my vehicle when it's been parked and when we were in Oakland someone was sleeping in my car at night. I also had panties and bed and table linens stolen when we lived in Oakland. Some of my husband's clothes were stolen as well. I've been racking my brain trying to pin point the time when these abuses and crimes began. It seems to have been happening for so long, and the police too often treat me as if I'm a crazy lunatic when I try to report the problems so we have a record of the offenses. It has effected my relationship with my family and my spouse. There are also times when I'm in public I know I am or have been followed around. So...after last Friday and an experience I had yesterday I'm fairly certain this is a Cultural oppression and abuse that started when we lived in Santa Rosa and I was doing volunteer work with a number of organizations: The California Homemakers Association, Progressive Democrats of America, and The Industrial Areas Foundation, all three of which I want NOTHING to do with anymore. I'm also a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and have studied many schools of energy work and Spiritual practice, though I do not engage practices outside of Reiki and personal Cultural heritage, background, and experience. I do not now nor have I EVER practiced witchcraft.
During the time in Santa Rosa when I was doing volunteer work as well as pursuing my Art was also when Omar's father died of cancer and we had some very sick people prey on our pain and loss: Krsitin Nicolaeson, and Jason Andrew Uber in particular. Our home was broken into a number of times and on one instance I was home and came face to face with an intruder, Roxanne Pailer. It's no secret at that time Omar and I seperated for a short period. During that separation I made the HUGE mistake of dating a person who turned out to be a sick, sadistic, cruel, creep, Jason Uber. He told me himself that his second ex-wife's family finally took a restraining order out on him and he was "no longer allowed to bother Amy.". This person raped me, broke into my home, threatened me and my family, harassed me, and at one point held me hostage. I also believe he is responsible for an incident where animal blood was splattered all over the interior of my home. It was that incident that brought Omar and I back together. He came home and cleaned the blood up and we reconciled.
After I finally broke things off with Jason I saw him on three seperate occassions in Oakland (where my husband and I had moved) and I have encountered him once now in Santa Cruz. I know these things have actually happened. I know I'm not making them up. He warned me he would never let me forget him and that he had friends in the police and had "people from here to Oklahoma". He's affiliated with the Cherokee Nation. I know the cyber stalking and hacking and surveillance are possible. I've spoken with two Private Investigators and read many articles about it, like this one: Mind of a Stalker: Why Torrment Someone. If it is not in fact Jason who continues to stalk me, it is someone who wants to humiliate and "punish" me for having interaction with this person, and there are those in my family who are more than happy to treat me in such a way. And since my family has been of no support, in fact at least one of my sisters is in possession of property that was stolen from my storage unit when se lived in Oakland, I have no trouble believing it became a coordinated effort to "destroy" me, my career, and my reputation out of pettiness and spite. That is a real issue and tactic among Romani Culture. It is a common practise to maintain the secrecy of the Compania/Companiera. It is why I don't have relationship with my family. They do not approve of my personal, political, social, and/or spiritual beliefs and practices and so they "shun" me or "smear" me to "protect" themselves. Without family support I am left as a sitting duck for opportunistic predators. My family thinks it's my "fault" for moving away. It's easier to just have nothing to do with them...but the stalking is disturbing and out of control and if my family is in fact involved in this effort to smear me as a lunatic I would have no problem testifying in a court of law against any of them. There has to come a time when these things are put to a stop. It has been very hurtful and destructive in my life. I just want to move forward, but that might not be possible without finally calling out and rectifying the stalking and abuse. (Just to be clear, if my family has NOT had a hand in the problems I would like that rectified too. The most upsetting part of everything has been the sneekiness and gaslighting.) There have been unjust "complaints" made against some of my comments on Twitter and my account, Spatoochna, has been suspended. The comments were pro-choice in nature, and the majority of my family is anti-choice. I believe they may have something to do with the online attacks I have encountered in social forum. Just becasue I have certain ethnic heritage or maiden name does not mean I owe anyone anything. First and formost I identify as an American, and I adore my Constitution. That in mind, I'm going to exercize my Freedom of Speech and comment on some news stories that have caught my eye recently...
This article cracks me up; not because I don't believe human beings have at least in part evolved from other primates, but because science is ALWAYS claiming discovery when they come to see the truth of ancient Spiritual teachings, theories, and philosophies. In the Chakra System (Vedic Tradition), each of the 7 main Chakras are associated with a gland. The Third Eye is associated with the thalamus. Having an understanding of the function of the Third Eye and it's significance in meditation and consciousness, this article makes me chuckle. Science so often looks to reinvent the wheel with the goal of selling drugs.
This one also made me laugh. The IRS must have been embarrassed. This was basically a "nerd tax". I've met some online gamers and the majority of folks I have encountered have been akward people, not all, but most. Some have been dangerous...but not because of the online games they like to play but because of other online hoaxes and hijinx they are or have been involved in. The woman who managed the Cotton Mill Studios while we lived there was one such person, Marsha Levine. She confided to me the authorities had confiscated her harddrive on more than one occassion because of hacking. She also was quite irritated when we installed our motion detecting camera at CMS. The only reason she knew it was there was becasue as soon as we installed the camera I posted a sign outside the front door informing those entering the unit that they were on camera. I did that as a courtesey. We had installed the camera to find out which kitty was peeing on the floor, not to spy on anyone. When Marsha saw the sign, her comment to me was, "Yeah, well, there's more than one way around your camera." After that was when our unit began to be routinely violated and my online passwords began to be messed with. I suspect she had something to do with that becasue of her comments...among other reasons. But those issues aside, I found it funny that the IRS had been trying to tax people like her in this way. Wouldn't it be more effective to use information gathered from games such as Fortnight to catch those among the gamer population who hack and harrass in other arenas? One would think so.
Jim Carrey hits back after he's criticized for telling a female reporter she's on his 'bucket list'
OK. This is just ridiculous. This needs to stop. I mean, was the comment a bit off color? YES. Was it entertaining? YES. Was it meant to be offensive? NO. Was it made by a comedic entertainer? YES. Someone needs to pull up their big girl panties and STFU. Jim Carey is not trying to rape you. He was making a joke...and telling her he found her attractive. Sheesh. People are allowed to have hormones and sex drives. He was doing a light hearted interview not popping little blue pills and roofying women. Jeez-o-Pete, Cheese and Rice. For the sake of the sweet baby Jesus. Can we please get over this idiotic over sensetivity? Yes, it's OK to find other human beings sexually attractive. He made a joke. It wasn't a rape joke. He didn't even use any "language". Hugs to you, Mr. Carrey.
Satellite images show iceberg bigger than Seattle break away from Antarctic glacier
The Earth is in a different position than it was pre-Fukashima quake. The axis has shifted. No one can predect the weather right now. Science is in a period of observition. Climate change has been accelerated. It is in part a natural part of the Earth's cycle seperate of ANYTHING humans do. While everyone has power struggle and petty arguments over who is to blame the planet laughs at all of us and does it's thing. No, solar is no Savior. Nor is wind alone. I believe the path to a better future is multi-pronged and includes: thorium based technologies, wind, passive solar, algae, some fossil fuels, recycling, repurposing, upcycling, and a return to more sustainable agricultural practices, ie. smaller farms and ranches, a move away from Monsanto-style practices, and an end to the patenting of genetics. And WOW. That's one heck of a chunk of ice. Anyone else have the sudden hankering for a margarita?
Whitney Houston's autopsy has just been released revealing she had lost 11 of her front teeth
Can we stop dragging this woman through the mud please? Can we stop making spectacle of the human condition in such cruel ways? Did they measure the size of her skull too? Or the spread of her hips? I didn't even read the article. The headline was enough to cause disgust. In addition to the contiued abuse of this woman as a prominent black American performing artist the abuse is also targeted at those of us who embrace personal Cultural Heritage and the World from a Spiritual perspective, not a necessarily Religious perspective. Articles like these are an attack on Women's Spirituality. I'm disgusted as a woman and saddened that it would be put out there in of all months, February. Gross. Leave Whitney alone. It wasn't only Bobby and Mike who battered that woman, but a large portion of society. Enough already. Jesus most certainly did Love that woman.
Did anyone else need to see that too? Talk about satisfying. Now back to it...
U.S.-Philippines: At a Crossroads
Are there people who find any of this surprising? REALLY? Duterte is A LOT like Fidel and has been from the begining of his administration. How many Fillipinos have been "disappeared" so far? It's a Human Rights disaster. He's right on his way to being China's Cuba. I dont think there is or will be any real alliance and I suspect there will be rafts headed for Guam's shores long before they will be crashing on China's.
Anna Breytenbach communicates with Great White Shark
How is it that some women and men are lauded for this ability and others are maligned? Animals are wonderful communicators and I enjoy "speaking" with them daily. Incidently, the animals at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Oakland Zoo are ALL lovely beings. I enjoy conversing with and offering Reiki to them greatly. The Zoo has been hounding me to renew my membership...I miss my animal friends at the ZOO but it's such a long day-trip to take on my own. I would be more inclined to make the trip if the Zoo offered me payment for my Communication and Reiki services or at least comped my visit.
Um, yeah. I agree with her. And no eating any of her swans or geese either.
Um...I'd like the Pope to define his terms here. Just what does he mean by "Compassion"? Too often terms like Compassion or Mercy are used by males in the Church in a very condescending way. Ten more days of Ordinary Time before Lent begins, Your Popie-ness. Can we have more transparency in terms and Homily this season? Please. As I prepare for my personal Lenten Practice I do so in a solitary manner. Christ spoke in plain and transparent terms. It may have been in part what got Him up in that cross, but it is also why the Faithful remain with Him, even if not with the Heirarchy.