As I sit in bed this morning, an irrelevant forty two year old woman waiting for my uterus to stop being a blood cannon so I can walk around without making a mess, I find this gem of an article from the Communist News Network. Go ahead…take a moment to read it. I encourage you to know your enemy. So, for those of us who still know how to apply the premise of critical thought and reason to the World around us, by CNN’s reasoning the following would also be appropriate actions to take:
People with no children shouldn’t pay into funds (taxes) for public education. Those with children should be paying based on how many children they have. OK. Sounds good to me. That would really lower my property taxes and mean I have a lot more to spend on infrastructure needs that would benefit my entire community, not just me.
People who are allergic to bees should pay more for produce because of all that money that goes into insect control in public places and having EMT services available and research into production of products such and Epipens. The bees are dying and we need fruits and veggies. The nerve of those people who are allergic to bees!
Morbidly obese people should pay more for food and health insurance and plane tickets. Those fat asses and/or tall people (over average height) who weigh more take up more space as do their big-ass belongings and they should have to pay for the space they take up.
People who manufacture, purchase or wear synthetic materials should pay more for garbage pick up. They make more trash than others. The nerve of people wearing fake fur, spandex, lycra, polyester blends and the such!
People who refuse to wear deodorant should pay more in admission fees because they stink the place up and turn people’s stomaches. The nerve of those people who don’t want to put chemicals on their bodies and/or are allergic to scents!
People with HIV/AIDS should have condom dispensers in their home and be forced to carry condoms at all times and those in high risk groups should be tested regularly at their own expense. This includes politicians and evangelical preachers because they can’t seem to keep it in their pants.
Parents or Legal Guardians of children (under the age of 18) should be made to stand trial with children who commit crimes and once a child offends three times the biological parent should be sterilized. The nerve of those people making horrible little humans!
I’m sure the Communist News Network will agree, right CNN? Or does this have something to do with the people who buy advertising on Network TV? Anyone else notice how almost every ad is for some drug with some crazy-ass name marketed largely to women between the ages of 40 and 70? Or are we just calling this demographic all "Karen" now? Come on folks.
Remember that
? You know the one our government Loves to support. Well…the Communist News Network, Hollywood and the White House don’t want anyone to know
. It doesn’t make them, or those mandating medical treatments for their employees or customers look very good.
Then, of course, while the West is dry and crispy with drought there is Louisiana. Is FEMA going to deny help to the unvaccinated? Is everyone down there wearing their masks? Will masks save them from hurricanes? Can we bottle that water and ship it to Western States with low reserviors?
And then there is this video. I send my sincere hopes to all of the service peoples and those they are protecting in this video for safety. God bless each of you. Oh, and are they making everyone show proof of vaccination before getting on those flights? Not demanding such, just curious. Just so everyone understands, those who are left behind have certain abuse and death awaiting them. Just ask the Yazidis.
In more local news, here in California there are the families of this unfortunate couple. As a person living in the woods, I have to wonder if they weren’t attempting to “wild forage” for fun. Has toxicology ruled out water hemlock, or the different species of amanita, among other potentially lethal plant and wild life? And what is this algae they are speaking of? Does it have anything to do with the little green and orange tents the DOA has hanging in trees all over California like perverse out of season Christmas ornaments? You know, County and Municipal workers have no idea what they are for. I’ve asked a couple and actually gave them some info on the matter. Why hasn’t the Federal Government informed local governments about the real use of and reason for these little tents? The other thing I wonder about this couple is: Did they take cyanide? Did they just run out of hope for the future? Or was the Mom of Chinese heritage? Was this somehow for some reason a hit by the Chinese government? No matter what the circumstances, my condolences to the families of these people.
Is Hollywood covering any of this? Did you have fun on your Disney summer adventure thie year? Did you take your little princes and princesses? If you are loosing your housing in the next couple months maybe you can go live at the Magic Kingdom. Maybe they will have some super cheap rooms for rent. I wonder how they disinfect the inside of those stupid costumes.
Anyway..back to my Saturday. I have another day of cramps and projectile bleeding to look forward to and somewhere in between I will get some laundry done and do some cleaning.