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Misinformation and Following the Science...


First it is important to define terms such as: Misinformation. But don't take my word for it. I'm just a stupid woman (worth only half a man according to pretty much every Religious institution) and not a doctor. So here is a doctor with a penis, which means you can take it seriously and not just brush it under the rug like some pile of dust or woman prattle.

Now back to my commentary on things Google thinks I need to know about based on the shit they put in my daily news feed. My comments will then be monitored by the authorities and assholes with lots of money who claim to find me "inspiring" but who really are just no-talent-schmucks with no real ideas of their own who's only real skill is shitting on people with original thought and talent so they can make money from their hard work, talent and intellect. So....

Tik Tok Shame Incident tears at the fiber of our humanity!

I guess she didn't get her government welfare nipple from Biden for her kids. The only shame here is that so many people seemed to have been upset that someone would call this abhorant behavior out publicly. No. Taking your kid to work in this manner is not safe for the public OR the kid. The bigger problem here is people having children when they can't afford them and the belief that having children is somehow your entitlement. And, No. I don't want to pay any more for your kid. You're already getting free public education and a fat handhout from US tax dollars. The Welfare State only perpetuates the Welfare State. Safe access to abortion and birth control...or at least ACCESS TO ACCURATE SEX EDUCATION is a far better idea. And, no. I'm not interested in fostering your unwanted abused children. The State of California says that a Foster and/or Fost/Adopt Family is required to allow "safe biological relatives" access to the child. If a biological family member is "safe" then they need to step up and take care of that child. Being poor doesn NOT mean you can't raise a child. California is not the only State with this bullshit policy of extortion and abuse. If you can't afford child care...just stay the fuck home. Biden will pay you to be a good-for-nothing as long as you breed like a good cow. Better yet, stop using TikTok. I've never even visited the site and it already grosses me out. Sounds like a bunch of morons having a moron party to me. Even the military agrees with that. It's Chinese subterfuge.

Again, don't know why Google thought I needed to know about this. It sounds a lot like race baiting to me. I've never had a black man treat me like this, unless you mean Leroy Stanfield Jr...but he's no man and other Brothers told him to check himself right quick. I think this story is an example of attention-whorism. Sorry, bitch. Not sorry. You suck. Again...why is TikTok a thing and why is Google trying to force feed it to me?

Come on people. Is this REALLY something you want? Do you understand the meaning of the term "precedent"? If not, do a quick little Google search or better yet, open a real fucking dictionary and look that shit up. Joke of the day: There's only two groups that like to ask for papers: NAZIs and Hippies and it's getting harder to tell the difference these days.

But what do other doctors with penises have to say?

Oh. This.


And then, of course

And I sure would like to know more about

And seriously...doesn't anyone remember anything about

Tell me, is it illegal to have

I found

The paintings that were stolen from my studio recently were results of research and study I was doing at the time on metal alloys for housing fuel at high pressures under extreme temperatures. But no one gives a shit because I'm not a "yes man". I'm not even a man...nor do I "aspire" to be.  

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