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Not So Fast Forward...


HUGE THANKS to Mr. Joel Gajewski (pronounced: guy-ess-key) for his contribution to Patent Leather Gene, bravely agreeing to write the Forward. It was exciting to read the finished piece last night and finally be able to put the icing on this year's proverbial King's Cake...or pie, as the case may be.

Speaking of pies! I made some tiny pies today...key lime custard meringue pies to be exact. AND I used lovely fresh eggs from TKPR Cluckers.

How beautiful are those?! YUM. I also cranked out a batch of hot sauce today...

Need some HOT in your summer? This is some tasty stuff and really easy to make. I didn't take exact measurments but it's about this much stuff...

4 fresh pineapple rings

4 fresh habineros

3 fresh serranos

4 baby sweet peppers

1 bunch fresh mint

1 bunch fresh cilantro

1 small white onion

1 bulb fresh garlic peeled

2 inches fresh ginger

3 T lime juice

3 T white vinegar

4 T seasame oil

2 tsp salt throw all these things in your Vita-Mix and grind it up crazy until totally liquified and there you go. Hot Sauce. Yum. Also baked some bread today...

Got some Fellas coming over to do some work tomorrow and I made these rolls to become bread bowls for some black bean soup in the InstantPot. Hell-to-the-yeah. That shit's gone be good. Yes-sir-eee-bob. That shit gone be good. Now, if I could just find a serious figure model...the jerk who called me today was NOT a figure model. I'm fo-sho not gonna answer anymore "Unknown" callers. Special thanks to Ed at Tony's for finally getting my work in frames.

These pieces are just two of the pieces I completed a few years ago...but they are the only two I had Ed frame for a number of reasons. They work as finished pieces on their own, but they were merely studies for other work I was doing at the time. It blows my mind how few actual artists there actually are in California.

HUGS all around... 

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