FACT: Birth control is part of women's health care.
FACT: Hormonal contraceptives have uses in women's health care other than birth control.
FACT: Any US tax money going to ANY reiligious organization or institution for ANY reason is a violation of the seperation of church and State. Giving US tax money to religious organizations for any reason is forcing US citizens to tithe to that religious organization.
POSITION: Religious schools and health care providers of any Faith background by definition of seperation of Church and State should be compelled to fully fund their own organizations.
STATEMENT: The Trump Administration is an oppressor of women as much as the Obama Administration. Neither Democrats or Republicans have a moral or ethical leg to stand on let alone a Constitutional leg.
COURSE OF ACTION: Employers who deny women appropriate and proper health care based on their own religious beliefs are practicing coersion and oppression and will be boycotted by The Kitty Pants Ranch. I will be asking everywhere I shop. If you don't cover all women's health care you will loose my business.
SARCASTIC GOLD STAR AWARD: Good job BLM idiots. You're so "woke" and hip to the World. I wish I could be like you dipsticks.