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Out Of This World -- Hey Hillary!


The World is a very strange place to navigate for humans these days…just in case you hadn’t noticed. Visitors from other Worlds may find things easier. There has been a pretty significant uptick in sightings lately. And these sightings have been given a very different type of attention by Governments over the past year or so than they have in the past. As a child I remember all notions of UFOs to be treated as quaint or outright crazy by Government officials. Those who made claims of Alien sighting or interactions were ostracized by mainstream society. Remember Hillary Clinton’s campaign promise to tell the World the truth about Aliens once she was elected? It’s no surprise she didn’t win, given that promise alone. Who knows what she could have revealed that would have compromised the US Government or the Governments of other Countries? Given the sightings reported on by the US Military off the coast of Virginia and other places in the US over the past six months


All of these things have to make a person wonder if all the vaccine stuff is a huge smoke screen distraction from an impending Alien take-over. And given the ridiculous nature of the blatant lack of commonsense reasoning out of the Whitehouse and other Global Governments, why aren’t more people asking questions or standing with those who ARE asking questions? There are many reasonable and educated people who are just as suspicious as I am of the slight-of-hand style of the media these days. And "poor" Kenntucky-Fried-Dr. Paul has had his hands and feet bound by both himself and the President. Talk about some freaky S&M. Geez! It’s not like it would be the first time the US Government was complicit in research into potential biological agents. The consensus seems to be that Fauc-the-Grouch did in fact lie about US involvement with China and gain of function research in Wuhan. But hey, maybe if you get yet ANOTHER booster things will get better. Really? Vaccines came into existence BECAUSE OF study of natural immunity and the way the human immune system functions. Why is natural immunity now a taboo topic? What changed? There are many credible physicians out there who can attest to this. Doesn’t it make anyone else stop and go, “Hmmm” to learn that the companies that DEVELOPED the vaccines didn’t want to require their own employees to take them? Then, seemingly out of convenience and not wanting to appear like liars, the Whitehouse decided to implement a mandate for employers with over 100 employees to require vaccination. Where’s Al Gore pointing out all these “inconvenient truths”? Or Tipper Gore crying offense at the new communal abuse of children?


Nurses all over the US are protesting mandates, and both nurses and doctors are loosing not just patients but their jobs. The head of the FDA has resigned as have other prominent players in the vaccine policy game. HELLO!!!!! This wreaks of guilty conscience and corruption. But no one seems to care. They only fear. I feel fairly fortunate to have extensive culinary skill, so the only thing that is truly enjoyable when Omar and I do go out to eat is that someone else does the dishes. Pre-Pandemic we both have gotten food poisoning enough at “fine-dining” establishments to be leery of the hands of strangers on our plates. Besides, he can tell you it has been 19 years since we have had a meal anywhere that was better than anything I make. And that place, La Mutton Noir of Saratoga, CA, has been closed for over a decade now. I wish I knew who that chef was. They were a true culinary Artist. Bottom line, any claims of vaccination status aside, I am disgusted and deeply troubled by the Government’s permissive and encouraging attitude of promoting the practice of arm-chair medicine by non-medical related businesses such as eateries, entertainment venues and beyond.

And the Whitehouse doesn’t even try to cover its tracks. The Freudian slips are rampant. Meanwhile, in Texas, GOPers are busy talking out both sides of their mouths and assholes, criticizing Biden for the botched exit from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s brutality and oppression of women while basically doing the same to their own women. As if anyone could EVER eliminate rape or rapists from humanity. It’s simply ridiculous. It’s all a farce, except that it’s reality. Who knows, maybe there’s an anti-rapist vaccine in development we just haven’t heard of or been mandated to take yet. I have to wonder if in places like New York and Louisiana are people more interested in snorkeling masks than surgical masks? I think I’d be a bit more concerned about things like Typhoid, e-coli and long-term contamination of drinking water supplies than if the person handing me a bottle of water has gotten a COVID vaccination or not. And what is this crazy new drug combo in Philly I heard about this morning? Yikes.


Fifteen years ago, when we moved from the South Bay to the North Bay, I, as a newly certified Reiki practitioner, was interested in meeting other holistic and/or otherwise complimentary practitioners. So I started a networking group for such people. These days I’m interested in meeting such people again. Perhaps there are more allopaths and osteopaths who might be interested in meeting persons such as myself, nutritionists, herbalists, NDs or other holistic folks and starting a new kind of system of health and wellness free from Government interloping. Just as the legislation of morality is an impossible feat, so is the legislation of wellness. Wellness is a spectrum and not an absolute. It is a State of Being. I have met people who were dying of incurable disease or living with debilitating chronic conditions who were/are far more well than “healthy” by Government standards or, rather, COVID vaxed people. None of it makes any sense. None of it. I do think it’s time for Supreme Court hearings on the matter as well as trials at the Hague. There are human rights violations every minute of every day and it’s just getting worse.


I’ll tell you what…I’m totally open to meeting Space Aliens. If we, as humans, are destined to be their pets, let’s get it over with. To me there’s more Dignity in being a Space Alien’s pet than there is in being slave to any human, elected or otherwise. Seriously Hillary…do tell. Whatcha’ know about Aliens? I’m all ears.

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