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Roses & Dog Shit for Ash-faces


Well, here we are...another Ash Wednesday. It's nearly 5PM as I sit to write this entry, much later than I normally sit down to write a blog entry, but as always, there is a reason. Today, upon the opening of Lent I have been busy working. This morning I began by completing a materials and composition test painting and starting another. It should only take another day or two to complete the next test painting and then I will be ready to begin the process of this year's series. Preparing for the Season I had already completed three test pieces. I had hoped to have all of the test pieces complete by Ash Wednesday, but that was not the way it worked out. Oh well. It happens. After finishing the test piece I showered and dressed and sat down to begin work on this year's Lenten Season Novella. The (working) title is: Patent Leather Gene. More than likely the title will remain as such. Last year's title never changed from beginning to end. After writing for a couple hours I took a short break to interview a potential live/work exchange candidate. The process is interesting and I am not without aprehension. Nor is Omar. We are having our contract/agreement reviewed by an attorney to be sure we are not getting into another Kristin Nicolaeson or Stacy from Worth Our Weight situation. The interview went smoothly, but like I said, we can't be too careful, and like Stacy and Kristin, the organization has Santa Rosa connections. It's safe to say I am apprehensively hopeful but not overly eager.

After the interview I put on a pot of soup for dinner and sat down to finish the first chapter of the novella. You can read it here.

Speaking of college students, I just heard about this garbage

. Shame on the stupid students and even more shame on the UC organization. Housing is at crisis levels in California, but Sanders is no hero. He's merely a Democratic Party schill making claims and promises he can't keep just to get elected and draw a paycheck for the rest of his life. GITMO is still open and Obama did more to shit on women than GG Allen ever did. At least GG Allen did so with conscent. Obama raped the Country with immigration policy and health care then his backers did everything in their power to discredit and silence those who spoke up and said something about it. I admit it. I was conned into the romatic notion of "leadership training" and "volunteerism". It was a steaming pile of dog shit designed to benefit the same old cronies dancing around the Bohemian Grove bon fire, I mean California "wild" fires.

The UCSC article is disgusting to me for a few reasons besides the Bernie-bias blatant Salon bullshit propaganda machine, however. I have been trying to offer mutually beneficial affordable housing to students since we bought TKPR. It was part of the plan from the very beginning. I approached my alma matter first, then UCSC and received absolutely zero support from either. I tried speaking directly with students and got no interest. Why? Because students think they are entitled to have the same as me in everyway. They think I owe them something that they have neither proven themselves or worked for in any way. Omar and I tried offering a room to a student from University of Sonoma, Kristin Nicolaeson. The agreement was she was to help with yard work weekly and prepare one meal a week. She did neither, She instead tried to convince my husband I was crazy and needed committed and break up my she could have my life. Do I think every student is out to break up my marriage. Certainly not. But I also think they are over all lazy and entitled and not in the least bit grateful for the education system they have access to in this State. California State schools have some of the LOWEST in-State tuition in the Country. When I was in college I worked four jobs and took a full course load. Yes, I lived at home with my parents, but I paid for my car, insurance, supplies, gas money AND clothes and entertainment. I shed no tears for UC students paying in-State tuition. There are plenty of jobs AND here I am offering housing, all you have to do is commit to ten hours a week of yard work. Shame on UC schools as well for caving to the demands of spoiled brats AND for paying for police to come in and beat them. Sheesh. I understand that the money in the budget for security has NOTHING to do with the money budgeted for housing assistance, but that is the common ground Institution Staff has with students. Re-arrange the budget. Don't incite violence. But don't worry, here comes creepy Uncle Bernie to the rescue? What a crock of shit. You all stink, particularly Salon for that crap-ass article.

So how about some real important education now? Evidently finally Jif has settled the problem of mispronunciation for the digital media industry. Thank God. That was tearing at the fiber of humanity wreaking havok across the globe! And you know students are going to get the message. Most college students practically live on peanutbutter.

How about a pretty music break before we move on. Here is a lovely cover of a classic for your enjoyment. Thank God it wasn't masacred by some half-wit untalented twit like Carrie Underwear, Kelly Clark-bar, or Taylor not-so-Swift. But who knows...maybe this guy's a twit too. I'm not familiar with his catalog. 

Then there are these stories:

Scientists discover the first-known animal that doesn't need oxygen to survive    

Anyone else think those things look an aweful lot like sperm? Maybe there's a connection? There can't be too much oxygen to be found in vaginas or anuses, but sperm seems to find it's way. Maybe they are cellular cousins?

Uncharted territory: Carbon dioxide expected to peak at levels last seen during Pliocene Epoch

That's OK. We're all going to evolve into sperm-like creatures that don't breath anyway.......

Ancient humans lived through a massive volcanic eruption 74,000 years ago

.....or we might just surprise everyone and migrate. Maybe move underground like Martians?

Researchers shine light on the defects responsible for messy behavior in quantum materials

Or maybe we're going to fly to Mars and buy into their condos and time shares. Elon just needs to build the giant luxury rocket-liner for us. Until then the Pope had some words for his priests:

Pope at Mass: Service, not titles, is the measure of greatness in the Church

No wonder Jesus hasn't come back yet...people are CRAZY on this planet.

May your Lenten Season be full of new discoveries and personal accomplishments, for Ash-faces and non-Ash-faces alike.

As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be. Amen.

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